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Get ready for your Nipple Tattoo
Please take some time and experiment with different sizes and colors for your new nipple tattoo. We will work together to fine tune your choices when you come into the office.
Before Your Nipple Tattoo: Text
Areola Colors
Find your areola color preference, it can be fine tuned during your appointment. Nipple color is generally darker and pinker and will be picked based the areola color.
Note: due to differences in screens, colors here are an estimate to get your general preferences.

Before Your Nipple Tattoo: Image
More Color Options
You can also experiment with color using lip sticks or stains, or eye shadows.
If you have a before photo or other reference photo you want to use,
If you chose a color either of these ways, please email a photo to me so I can prepare color options
Before Your Nipple Tattoo: Text
Before Your Nipple Tattoo: Files
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